Flash in the Pan: Cocoa Nibbles (or, La”Raw” Bar)

May 27, 2008


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“Um, Mum, we are coming with you, aren’t we? Because (and sorry to have to tell you this), we actually have more fans than you do on this blog.” 


Sometimes, you just want to eat something now.  I’ve decided to offer a mini-post every once in a while, for a dish that comes together incredibly quickly, or else is so easy to make that no recipe is required.  Here’s today’s “Flash in the Pan.”


(I know, “Cocoa Nibbles” sounds like a children’s breakfast cereal. . . but these are much better!)

Even though I’ve continued to bake a little during this Total Health course I’m taking, I’ve been trying to avoid consuming very much of what I do bake (my colleagues are very happy lately. . . oh, and they appear to have gained some weight).  Apart from my tumbling head first off the wagon after I baked those evil PB-Chocolate Chip Cookies, I’ve remained (more or less) on track. 

Still, even when you’re eating healthfully, sometimes (okay, all the time) you crave chocolate.  These little bites are what I whip up when I’m dying for something that’s part candy, part fudge, and part healthy.  Those of you familiar with LaraBars will recognize the ingredient list, but mine are a little smoother than the orignial, with a more intense chocolate flavor.  And so easy!

Cocoa Nibbles


[Get a load of that gorgeous mint garnish!]


28 Responses to “Flash in the Pan: Cocoa Nibbles (or, La”Raw” Bar)”

  1. Romina Says:

    Sometimes baking takes just far too long!

  2. Sue Says:

    Those look scrummy Ricki! You are an amazing source of inspirational ideas, thank you.

  3. Celine Says:


  4. Johanna Says:

    now you have me wondering if I have dates in the pantry – I might have – or maybe I have figs that could be used instead? Will look later! These look much healthier than the cake I baked tonight because I just needed the comfort of chocolate!

  5. Vegan_Noodle Says:

    Mmm, those do look good, perfect to satisfy that craving for chocolate that we all (well, at least I know you and me) get! I love the “flash in the pan” series!

  6. shellyfish Says:

    Vivre flash in the pan! Good, fast & pretty – all right! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  7. VeggieGirl Says:

    Ahh, yet another fabulous “Flash in the Pan” recipe – LOOOOVE this one, for sure! Yum! :0)

  8. Lizzie Says:

    I am in total sugar overload right now after consuming waaaaay too many pieces of gluten-free cake this weekend. I have sworn off refined sugar (for probably the day)!

    This is the exact recipe I need to make right now, and I have all of the ingredients! Woohoo! Thanks, Ricki!

  9. Thank you so much for concocting a recipe that combines THREE of my loves—chocolate, almonds, and the food processor! I’ll be making these soooon!

  10. Lisa Says:

    Well, thanks for this delicious idea. I have a few days off this upcoming weekend and I can’t wait to try this!

  11. Lucy Says:

    Absolutely delicious.

    And just the kind of baking I can do. Shall give them a go today.

    And I have everything, right now. That never happens…

  12. Courtney Says:

    Oh wow…those look SO good! AND, I was just about to go to the store and buy a bunch of Lara bars to send to my mom. Do these *have* to be stored in the fridge? Do you think they would hold up 2-3 days if I mailed them to her? I know she would get a kick out of “homemade” Lara Bars!

    I will be making them either way–they look too delicious to pass up! I would love to share them with my mother, but I am sure they would not go to waste in my apt…!!


  13. magpie Says:

    Have you tried Clif’s nectar bars? These seem like they might be similar. The nectar bars are soooo good.

  14. Jenny Says:

    Oooh this sounds like exactly what I’ve been looking for. Seriously. I can’t wait to try them.

  15. wow those look amazing

    you have some selfe controll dear.. i dont know how you do it!!!

  16. I’ve become obsessed with making Larabars at home recently! My favorite combo right now is walnuts and carob powder with dates. The “cocoa nibbles” name you came up with is too cute — I love it! I use the plastic wrap trick, too, as it keeps your hands nice and clean. Nice mint garnish, too. 🙂

  17. Mihl Says:

    Awesome! This is a great recipe for a candy addict like me!

  18. Ricki Says:

    I know what you mean! And these sort of look like cookies, in the right light. . .

    Aww, thanks (blush).


    I tried these once with figs and wasn’t too thrilled with the result–not sweet enough, too many seeds, etc. But maybe it just wasn’t my taste.

    Vegan Noodle,
    That’s exactly what they do for me–cut that chocolate craving. And at least I don’t have to feel guilty about it 🙂

    Mais, merci! I have to admit it was the “fast” part that got me 😉

    I’m sure they could be made with carob, too 😉

    Hope they helped to overcome the sugar overload (though long weekends really are fun anyway!)

    Ah, yes, the food processor–hadn’t thought of that! This recipe has your name on it (literally, with the “chocolate” part, actually!!)

    Hope you like them! And enjoy that time off. .. .

    It’s serendipity telling you to eat chocolate. Lucky you!

    I wouldn’t risk 2-3 days if you use the vanilla and/or water in them. At room temps, the extra moisture will allow the mix to begin to ferment, and you wouldn’t be too pleased with the result, I think. But if the dates are dry and you make this without liquid, it should last as well as dates would on their own. And how nice are you to make some for your mum!

    Thanks for your comment! I’ve actually never heard of that type of cliff bar–we have cliff bars here, but maybe those are a new version? I would love to check them out!

    Thanks so much! Do let me know how you like them if you give them a try. 🙂

    Vegan on Stage,
    Thanks so much for visiting and for commenting! Self control?? Are you kidding??? But these do help, at least 🙂

    Ruby Red Vegan,
    Thanks so much for your comment and for stopping by! I’ve also played with variations on the theme (some even without chocolate, if you can believe it!). I like the idea of carob and walnuts–will give that one a try (I think almonds may be a bit too dry for carob, which is also pretty dry). And thanks for noticing the mint! 😉

    As one candy addict to another, I can vouch for these–they do hit the spot when you need some candy!

  19. giz Says:

    If I had a dozen really good easy type recipes like this, I would feel like I died and went to heaven. Such a keeper!! Thanks for posting this.

  20. Sandra Says:

    You are a genius! I made these with dried apricots instead of dates, and some cinnamon, yum! Thankyou for such an inspiring blog:)

  21. Ashley Says:

    These are just perfect! I look forward to your other “flash in the pan” posts.

  22. atxvegn Says:

    These look sooo good! And maybe a little too easy to make!

  23. Lysy Says:

    these look really good, and if they’re easy to whip up, so much the better!

  24. Sandra Says:

    I just tried this recipe again, but this time with brazil nuts and dates – it tastes like a really unhealthy chocolate cake dough – yum!:D

  25. […] the recipe, see my other blog, Diet, Dessert and Dogs. Posted by Ricki Filed in candies and sweets, dairy free, egg free, fruits, gluten free, grain […]

  26. […] I have further changed and challenged my taste buds to enjoy even healthier treats, such as the ‘La Raw’ bars made only with dates, walnuts, and cocoa powder.  But it has taken a lot of time.  I am […]

  27. […] desperate for sweets, there are always raw desserts like fruit sorbet, carob-cashew pudding, or LaRAW bars.  Gee, there’s just SO much choice, I might even have TOO much to […]

  28. […] with more nuts/seeds if I felt hungry; snacks were fruits and vegetables or some kind of raw bar or nibble; and dinner was typically a cooked dish with vegetables and/or nuts or legumes.  I kept the meals […]

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