And Chocolate-Peanut-Butter Makes Three

February 14, 2008


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As always, thanks for reading.  I look forward to seeing you at the shiny new Diet, Dessert and Dogs!

“Um, Mum, we are coming with you, aren’t we? Because (and sorry to have to tell you this), we actually have more fans than you do on this blog.”]  



A couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog entry about the trio of chocolate desserts I’d created for Valentine’s Day, each with at least one “secret” ingredient that conferred extra health benefits.  I promised to post the recipes for each one, starting with the Gluten-Free Brownie and followed by the Vegan Molten Chocolate Cakes. Since I’ve already posted the first two recipes of


We interrupt this blogcast to bring you this breaking news that Ricki’s recipe for Vegan Molten Chocolate Cakes has been voted the winner of the Vegetable Love contest over at Susan’s Fat Free Vegan Kitchen ! (Well, okay, maybe it was by a very small margin, but we’re not complaining).  The contest asked participants to submit recipes for romantic, vegan, low-fat dishes that contained vegetables.   Skip on over and take a look at all the fabulous entries!

I have to admit that I was completely taken by surprise (thanks, Veggie Girl, for the heads up via your comment!) and absolutely thrilled.  Baking, like writing, is something I love doing so much that I’d still do it even if I weren’t being paid for it (hey! wait a second. . . I am doing it and I’m not being. . . ).  But it’s so great to have the positive feedback on this blog (Your comments are great!  Keep ’em coming!!) and to know that people out there enjoy the recipes. 

So thank you all for voting, thank you for reading, and a big thank you for encouraging me to keep on doing something I adore.  (Now, if only I could figure out how to put that cute little heart-beet icon on my blog page. . . ).


the trio, I thought today, Valentine’s Day, would be the perfect time to post the final recipe.  These aren’t exactly what I’d call “romantic” cookies (at least, not in the same way that an oozing, gooey, warm molten center might be), but they are definitely a heartfelt offering of love.

Pairing eggplant puree with chocolate and peanut butter, these cookies provide some heart-healthy fats (monounsaturated in the peanuts) and great antioxidant benefits (the anthocyanins in the eggplant, flavonoids in cocoa), plus great fiber.  They’ve also been kid-tested and approved by several of my friends’ and colleagues’ children, and I am happy to report that absolutely NO eggplant was detectable in the fudgy, peanutty, chocolatey treats.

Finally, I’m going to beg solicit plead implore ask you once again if you’ve got any neat ideas for a Valentine’s Day dinner that my HH and I will share on Saturday (we’re deferring the Big Day by two days, so you still have time!!).  Since you’ll all be done with your own dinners by then, how about telling me what YOU all had?  Then I can copy plagiarize reproduce honor your great dishes by trying some of them out at our own dinner.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!  Hope it’s both sweet and loving.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudgies 


19 Responses to “And Chocolate-Peanut-Butter Makes Three”

  1. Cakespy Says:

    Like whoa, Ricki. These look amazing, rich and overall, gorgeous. Have a lovely valentine’s day!

  2. Lisa Says:

    Eggplant is an intriguing addition! These sound very healthy and tasty!

  3. That’s a fascinating cookie!

  4. SusanV Says:

    Wow! Eggplant in cookies? I thought I was the eggplant queen, but I pass my crown on to you. They look scrumptious!

  5. Ricki Says:

    Thanks so much. Hope your V-Day is excellent, too! 🙂

    I was also surprised that these worked. . . but they do. And I love the added health benefits!

    Thanks (though I must admit that for me, any cookie is fascinating!).

    Thanks! I promise, this is the end of the trio of “weird ingredients in baking” posts. And, as the originator of veggies-in-treats, you will always be the eggplant–heck, all vegetables–queen. I’ll be happy being a compatriot, though. 😉

  6. VeggieGirl Says:

    Ricki… these cookies… MAGNIFICENT!! yum!!

    Saw your comment on my blog – click on the name of the recipe that’s a link, in my post!! It goes directly to the actual recipe, silly!! :0)

  7. Johanna Says:

    congratulations on your award – I saw it yesterday and thought it well-deserved – these cakes are definitely on my to do list!

    I can’t give you any exciting valentine day food we had – just pizza, although a very good one followed by chocolate – hard to be creative in a tropical steak-loving town! I will cook us a nice meal when I get home.

    But I love your recipe with eggplant puree – something to threaten E with (he has an irrational dislike of eggplant) – hope to try this sometime – and am even eyeing off the spelt flour at the vic market to try some of your recipes with.

    Hope you have (had) a great valentine’s day meal – look forward to hearing about it. I am presuming you have eaten as I am heading out for breakfast on friday

  8. kathryn Says:

    Whoa there. Eggplant in a cookie. Wow. I’ve happily used beetroot in cakes, but never, NEVER would I think to add eggplant to a cookie. And then you top it off by adding apple cider vinegar as well. I’m not a big cookie maker, or even eater, but I’m going to have to try these out – maybe when I next have people over for dinner. I’m very intrigued.

  9. Romina Says:

    Congratulations!!! I knew the second I saw your dessert that it was a winner. =)

  10. Lucy Says:

    Congrats (well, I’m hardly surprised…those little cakes would melt any heart)! Eggplant in a cookie…well, I’m willing to give it a go. Shall report back!

  11. Ricki Says:

    Thanks! And guess my eyesight is failing–didn’t even notice the link (duh)! But I’ll go back and check it out ;).

    Thanks so much! Your own V-Day meal sounds wonderful, precisely BECAUSE it was in a tropical town :). Hope you’re having a great time.

    As to the eggplant, you don’t even have to tell E, as it’s not detectable. We haven’t yet enjoyed our own V-Day meal at our house, as we’ve postponed it till Saturday when we can actually cook together! I’ll let you know how it goes.

    PS Something odd–your comments from wherever you are now have all been sent to the spam folder; not sure why!

    Well, since I had an assignment to come up with chocolate desserts containing hidden veggies, I tried to think of a vegetable that would be both moist and fairly neutral in flavor–so eggplant it was (I don’t think brussels sprouts would have worked, for instance!). Hope you do give them a go–let me know!

    Thanks so much. Very sweet of you to say, and much appreciated!

    Awww. . . thanks (I was hoping they would at least melt the HH’s heart when I fed them to him). Can’t wait to hear what you think of the cookies, too. Will look forward to the report!

  12. Vegan_noodle Says:

    These sounds really yummy!!! Love these recipes for desserts that include veggies 🙂

  13. Ricki Says:

    Vegan Noodle,

    I was on a roll there for a while. . .but I think the veggie invasion has finally ended! 😉

  14. Congratulations on your win! The cake certainly looks like a winner… those cookies look pretty stellar, too!

  15. Ricki Says:


    Thanks so much, and welcome to the blog! I am really thrilled by it, and can’t wait to try out recipes from the book. I’m sure I’ll be posting some of those, too. . . !

  16. […] the review at Vegan Digest! And don’t forget to sniff around their site for more tasty bites like this one. Yum! Categories: bars, chocolate, peanut butter, products, protein bars, review, snacks, vegan […]

  17. Lisi Says:

    I want to try this recipe, but it seems a little odd that you would add 1/2 CUP of sea salt. Is this the sea salt you buy in a salt shaker, or are these big, coarse chunks of sea salt? seems like a lot of salt…

  18. Ricki Says:


    Thanks so much for pointing out the typographical error!! It’s corrected now. 🙂

  19. […] Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudgies have one extra and unexpected ingredient. Eggplant! […]

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