Soba Noodles with Ginger, Chard and Walnuts

February 19, 2008

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“Um, Mum, we are coming with you, aren’t we? Because (and sorry to have to tell you this), we actually have more fans than you do on this blog.”]  


While taking some leisure time to browse through a few food blogs recently (read: two hours at my desk when I should have been working), I happened upon the blog event They Go Really Well Together, hosted by (“dedicated to molecular gastronomy”). The gist of the event is that two or more seemingly mis-matched flavors are paired according to their molecular compatibility (a la Fat Duck), said compatibility not always apparent to those deficient in the chef’s olfactory supremacy (such as moi).

Then I got to thinking, it’s true; some ostensibly odd couplings do actually work well together:  Sonny and Cher, purple and mustard yellow walls (but only for the previous tenant, not us), Elsie and Chaser, paisley and–hmmn.  Well, Sonny and Cher, anyway.

This pasta dish, a favorite in our house, is one of those weird couplings: rhyme off the ingredients one at a time and they sound not like a recipe but more like a grocery list jotted in haste on the back of an envelope, its disparate elements each appealing on its own, but not meant to share space in a simmering pot.  Yet, when tossed together haphazardly as we tend to do over here, the result is pure delight.

I must admit, I have a tendency to be remiss about planning meals even at the best of times (“Does that make you bad, Mum?  Bad Girl! Can we have your treats, then?”), but during times such as these, when I’m inundated with midterm assignments and hillocks of tests to mark, I’m lucky if I have a passing thought about dinner as I turn the key in the front door at 6:00 PM.  Okay, I’m exaggerating, just a little.  5:58 PM.

And so this pasta is our saviour many a busy night.  It comes together incredibly quickly, basically in the time it takes to boil and drain the noodles.  I’m sure I’ve seen variations of this combination floating about on the Internet, but since we were introduced to the recipe this way, we like to stick with it.

The dish combines soba noodles, the Japanese version of spaghetti, with the agreeable combination of ginger, soy sauce, and chard.  It’s also a great way to incorporate more greens into your cooking, as the chard shrinks down until it’s barely noticeable, never overtaking the toasted nuts.  The sprinkling of chili flakes provides a pleasant hint of spice that lingers on the palate.  And it’s enough, on its own, for a satisfying light dinner.

We got the original recipe from the newsletter we receive each week with our organic produce delivery.  We’ve tweaked it slightly, but not much.  And since it truly is a presto! pasta, I’m submitting this to the weekly Presto Pasta night event, hosted by Ruth at Once Upon a Feast. 

Soba Noodles with Ginger, Chard and Walnuts



This is a great recipe for a quick and easy dinner.  Nuts combined with the whole-grain noodles provide a complete protein in this meal, and the chard adds a bevy of minerals and vitamins.  [And isn’t it cute how the pasta and the plate are all kind of the same colors?]


10 Responses to “Soba Noodles with Ginger, Chard and Walnuts”

  1. Romina Says:

    That sounds like a really yummy combination to eat with soba noodles! I can see why it’s a fave in your house. =)

  2. Megan Says:

    Can you eat just a tiny piece? I eat 100 calories’ worth of chocolate every day. It keeps me from feeling deprived.

  3. Ricki Says:

    Yes, we seem to rely on it quite a bit, actually!

    Apparently, not. Several years ago, I went TWO YEARS without a morsel of chocolate. Then, I was allowed one piece of 70% cocoa variety. That was fine, for about 2 days. . .after which I ate an entire (large) bar. But one piece a day (or less!) is my ultimate, dream, goal.

  4. That looks really good, I will definitely try it.

  5. melisser Says:

    That sounds GOOD! I love soba & I love chard!

  6. Ricki Says:

    Wannabe Urbanhousewife,

    Thanks! Let me know how you like them if you do give it a go. 🙂


    Yay for leafy greens! Chard is one of my favorites, too.

  7. Ruth Says:

    Great way to hide…er use chard. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights.

  8. Tania Says:

    This looks like a really delicious dinner, Ricki! I do love soba noodles.

    Sometimes those strange food couplings can produce wonderful results. Way back in grad school, I was cleaning out the fridge before heading home for Christmas, and in doing so, created something I could only think of calling Revolting Carrot Salad. The ingredients sound completely wrong together, but it somehow works! To this day, I still make it sometimes.

  9. Ricki Says:

    Thanks so much. Loved being part of the event–looking forward to next week’s “big bash”!

    I think soba noodles are probably my favorite. Of course, now you’ve piqued my curiosity and I am dying to know the recipe for that salad!!

  10. Cathie Says:

    This was just the recipe I was looking for as I wanted to cook greens and soba noodles, now I can just combine them..yeah!

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