Featured in Clean Eating!

February 12, 2009

[Diet, Dessert and Dogs has moved!  If you’re reading this page, you’ve landed on the old site.  Please visit the new location by clicking here–and don’t forget to update your readers and blogrolls!

As always, thanks for reading.  I look forward to seeing you at the shiny new Diet, Dessert and Dogs!

“Um, Mum, we are coming with you, aren’t we? Because (and sorry to have to tell you this), we actually have more fans than you do on this blog.”]  

* * * * * * * * * *

Just a quick note to share some exciting news: my recipe for Orange-Infused Chocolate Almond Cake is featured in this month’s Clean Eating magazine! 


When I was asked by the folks at the magazine to create a recipe for a healthy, fudgy chocolate cake (that met the Clean Eating requirements, of course–basically the NAG diet that I follow anyway), I was thrilled and got to work!  I actually submitted the recipe last summer, but that’s how far in advance the schedule is planned. I didn’t want to mention anything until I saw it in print with my own eyes. . . and now it’s finally here–yay! Wow, did their food stylist ever make that cake look gorgeous (the pic above is mine, not theirs–the magazine version is much more attractive!)

For those of you who can get the magazine where you live, it’s the March/April issue, with a bowl of Black-Eyed Pea Stew on the cover and the banner headline, “Try Our Chocolate-Almond Cake: Enjoy a Second Guilt-Free Slice”.  And while my recipe was mentioned on the cover, to see my name credited, you have to squint really hard, then look at the teeny, tiny, teensy weensy little print along the fold to the right of the recipe (which is on the last page of the mag, in the “Happy Endings” section).

For those who are interested, the magazine is based on the philosophy/diet of Tosca Reno, who wrote the book Eat Clean.  Some of the articles in this particular issue include 5-ingredient entrées, nutritious snacks, allergy-proofing your home, risotto by Food Network host Aida Mollenkamp, and antioxidant berries, goji and acai (and no, I have no personal stake in the magazine–I’m not affiliated with them in any way except for having developed that recipe for them). 

I wish I could reprint the recipe here, but I can’t, as Clean Eating purchased the recipe rights as well.  But I think you can at least get an idea from the photo above! 

New recipe next post, I promise 🙂

PS  Vegan/Vegetarian readers take note:  while 22 of the 68 recipes in the magazine are vegetarian, most do contain eggs or dairy (mine doesn’t, of course!).

Mum, if clean eating means ‘cleaning out your bowl every time you eat,’ then I think we could write for that magazine, too.  Or maybe we could just be taste-testers. Much better than eating snow, I’m sure.”


40 Responses to “Featured in Clean Eating!”

  1. VeggieGirl Says:

    THAT’S YOUR RECIPE?!?!?! I TOTALLY BOOKMARKED IT (Clean Eating is my favorite magazine)!!!! LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! 😀

  2. congrats congrats congrats!!!! how exciting is that!!! you deserve it girlie!

    ps im in love with your dog… what breed is he/she

  3. Oh my God, Ricki! Wow, that’s so beyond awesome! I’m definitely going to go check it out!!!!

  4. Shelby Says:

    I SAW THAT RECIPE!!! I was going to buy the magazine just for that recipe but my mom said no. Looks fantastic though.

  5. Heather Says:

    that cake looks delicious and your puppy is adorable!!!! i love his beautiful markings!!

  6. Ricki Says:

    Vegan on Stage and Heather,
    This is Chaser, our “baby” dog (and she’s female!). You can see lots more pics of both Chaser and Elsie, our older beauty, if you check the “dogs” category at right. 🙂

  7. Pearl Says:

    i’ve never heard of clean eating magazine in san diego, but now i want to go and find it if only i can look at the recipe and exclaim “I SUBSCRIBE TO HER BLOG!!!”

  8. Chris Says:

    Congratulations!! 😀 That cake looks like it certainly deserved the accolades. It makes me want to go out and buy the magazine right now!

  9. Congratulations Ricki! And a paid recipe gig, I bow in your blogging presence 🙂

  10. Kelly Says:

    That’s fantastic! Congratulations. 🙂

  11. Congrats!! That news is so exciting. And I’m constantly amazed at your ability to capture your dogs in photos. So cute!

  12. Diann Says:

    Yay! I’m so excited for you! I have bought the last few issues of Clean Eating and I get lots of good ideas and info from them. I can’t wait to get the new issue. I’ll put on my glasses and find your name in there.

  13. Oh, good job on the recipe. Your cake looks scrumptious, and so seasonal with the citrus accents. And can we talk about how adorable that dog-in-snow is?

  14. vegyogini Says:

    Wow, great news, Ricki! CONGRATULATIONS!

  15. Andrea Says:

    That is so exciting! I think it trumps samples any day! I’ve never seen this magazine but I’ll be looking for it now. I want the recipe.

  16. Johanna Says:

    Congratulations – that is fantastic news and I am pleased to hear your recipes getting more of an audience as they are much more interesting than many I see in magazines – would love to see the food stylist pic so will look out for mag in shops but not sure I have ever seen it.

  17. Laura Says:

    Well done that’s great! I don’t think I can buy that magazine in the UK but I will have a look just in case, hopefully a bigger store might have it!

  18. Sal Says:

    ahh that’s awesome, congrats.

  19. Courtney Says:

    How exciting! Congratulations…I wonder if the magazine is available where I am? I will have to look into it. You are famous :o)


  20. Susan G Says:

    That is such fantastic news! Congratulations. I will be sure to buy that issue.

  21. Kelly Says:


    Congratulations! That is absolutely awesome. Did they find you through your blog? I’d be very curious about how they commissioned you to do that. That’s fantastic!!! I’ve been dabbling a bit in recipe contests lately and would love to get more into recipe writing.

  22. jessy Says:

    that some sweet ness, Ricki! congrats! how awesome is that!?! yay!

    hope you guys have a great weekend!

  23. Deb Says:

    Hooray for you! Clean Eating is a great magazine. I like your writing style as well as your recipes (and your dogs!).

  24. BitterSweet Says:

    Congratulations, this is awesome news! 🙂

  25. Oh neat, I’d never heard of Clean Eating magazine before. Do you subscribe? Sounds like a good one!

  26. Fat Fudge Says:

    That was your recipe? I saw the magazine at the grocery store last week and your cake definitely caught my eye. Before I bought the magazine, I thought I’d checked to see if this was posted online. Since you said it’s not, I’ll purchase the it. Can’t wait to try it!

  27. Dani Says:

    That is SO cool! I LOVE that magazine and have been subscribing ever since it hit the shelves, so I’ll be sure to check your recipe out….


  28. maie p Says:

    Congratulations Ricki! I love chocolate and orange.
    I’ve never heard of that magazine, but I’ve just subscribed to it. Looking forward to getting your recipe.

  29. Hayley Says:

    Congratulations! You so deserve any success that comes your way. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  30. shellyfish Says:

    You are a vegan recipe super star, Ricki! How amazing is that! That’s so exciting! What a great submission.

  31. oh man, you’re such a tease. I would love the recipe, I’ll have to look for the magazine!

  32. melody Says:

    Congratulations! That is sooo cool! I’ll have to look for that magazine!

  33. amey Says:

    congrats! That’s great news. I really want to be a recipe creator… but I am still learning. I”m a very good recipe follower though!

  34. giz Says:

    wtg Ricki – the cake looks amazing and I would swear looking at it that it had eggs in it.

  35. ttfn300 Says:

    so exciting 🙂 i’ll have to keep my eyes out for it! at least the girls are having fun in the snow!!

  36. steph Says:

    wow! exciting! congratulations, and it looks super tasty.

  37. WOW!! Ricki, this is so hard core!! Congratulations! The cake looks magnificent, I have to find that magazine. You’re such a foodie rock star!

    Snowy nose! Chaser is a cutie pie!

  38. Maris Says:

    Congratulations! How exciting 🙂

  39. Ashley Says:

    Ooo so exciting!! =) Congratulations. I’m going to have to go check that magazine out now.

    Love the picture of your dog!

  40. veganhomemade Says:

    Congrats on having your recipe published! I’ve often considered picking up an issue but haven’t yet. If I see this one I definitely will.

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